May 2, 2007
7:00 p.m.
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present: Leonard Anderson; Michael Scott; Matthew Kennedy; Robert Lowell, Nancy Rocheleau
Members Absent: Anthony Costello, Kenneth Strom
Staff Present: Pamela Harding
Others: Patrick Townsend, Joan Townsend, Ronald Parker
The meeting began at 7:00 p.m.
NOI Stoney Brook Estates No additional information has been submitted and the Applicant requested a continuance to the June 6, 2007 meeting. The Commission unanimously granted the continuance.
Certificate of Compliance - 8 Putnam Lane
The Commission reviewed the applicant's request for an Order of Conditions related to the contruction of a single family home. The work conducted within the 100' buffer zone of a bordering vegetated wetland was completed in accordance with the Order of Conditions. There was a small hole that resulted from a previous perc test which had collected water from the roadway and fell under a technicality of the definition of a vernal pool.
The Commission members examined the site prior to the construction and found no evidence of wetland plant or vernal pool species, the habitat solely consisted of upland vegetation. The Commission previously authorized the construction of a sewer line through the vernal pool with a condition that it be restored. The applicant graded the area and attempted to plant wetland species which did not survive. Because the area in question would not support wetland species habitat the commission felt it was futile to require planting of upland species because the habitat was not environmentally significant and did not meet any definitions of a resource area. L. Anderson voted to issue a Certificate of Compliance, N. Rocheleau seconded the motion, all were in favor.
NOTICE OF INTENT 93 Winfield St - Addition Joan and Patrick Townsend
The Commission read the public hearing notice. The applicant is proposing to construct an addition with a full basement in the similar location of an existing sunroom. The addition will be 17' by 17'. There was a new home constructed on Woodbridge Street abutting the wetland which did not file with the Commission also the applicant informed the Commission that an outlet pipe within a Town owned drainage easement was blocked and flooding the applicants rear yard. Ken Strom was assigned to the project, in his absence he submitted a written evaluation. The site was also visited by L. Anderson and P. Harding. R. Lowell voted to close the public hearing. M. Scott seconded. M. Scott noted that the grade change was minimal.
Review of Eagle Lake Dam Improvement - The Commission reviewed a summary of the proposed work submitted by White Oak. The work entailed regular maintenance and the Commission determined that a full NOI application would not be required.
Enforcement Order - 27 Mayflower Circle - Land Disturbance within a Wetland. The applicant previously applied for a RDA for the construction of an addition. I had visited the site which was vegetated and delineated. The applicant clearly removed vegetation and disturbed soil.
Orders of Conditions
L. Anderson voted to approve the NOI for 93 Winfield St. with the standard OOC and a special Condition that an erosion control barrier be installed around the perimeter of disturbance.
R. Lowell voted to approve the April 4, 2007 meeting minutes. M. Scott seconded with the condition that the reference to storm be changed to stream. All in favor.
L. Anderson moved to close the meeting at 8:00 p.m. and M. Scott seconded. The vote was unanimous.
The next meeting is scheduled for June 6, 2007.